International Physics Masterclasses


Combining results

After the measurement all the data will be combined. Therefore, you′ll enter your measurement results into an online spread sheet. WATCH OUT! Use the drop down menu below to choose your venue.

Instructions for the analysis

The histogram of the angular distribution from your venue can be obtained by choosing your venue from the drop down menu below.

A Video Conference is taking place as closing event at the end of the day. There you′ll come together with student groups from other cities and countries, which have also analyzed ATLAS data. Your results can be compared by using the Online Spread Sheet. Especially the measured angles of all WW candidate events are supposed to be combined in one single histogram. It will be discussed during the Video Conference.

If you wish to see the combined histogram of all venues holding the Masterclasses on your specific date you can use the third drop down menu below. Just choose the right date!