W-Path 3D
Lad os først finde ud af, hvordan man identificerer elementarpartikler. Derefter kan du arbejde med rigtige ATLAS data fra Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ved CERN. I forløbet skal du udføre en del detektivarbejde, fordi der i en proton-proton kollision - en såkaldt "begivenhed" - skabes en masse partikler. Hovedopgaven er, at lede i resultaterne efter bestemte elementarpartikler og at tilordne dem til fysiske processer. Ved at gøre dette lærer du hvilke udfordringer partikelfysikerne står overfor.
The animation below will draw your attention to the main actor – the W particle. It plays an important role in radioactive decay, e.g. that of Potassium-40. Potassium-40 is an unstable isotope with 40 nucleons (19 protons and 21 neutrons) in the nucleus and decays by emission of a negative or positive beta particle. We have chosen potassium as an illustration because it is essential for the human body and is responsible for the water content in our cells. It is also an important electrolyte in body fluids. About every 9000th potassium atom of the approximately 100 grams of potassium in your body is potassium-40. Our animation shows how particle physicists see the beta decay which occurs in your body:

Tim Herrmann, Konrad Jende, CERN, July 2010
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